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Autumn Antiques, Fine Art, & Crafts Fair

sáb, 28 sept


Maple Lane Complex

Join us for the Autumn Antiques, Fine Art, and Crafts Fair on the beautiful grounds of the Maple Lane Complex at 55200 Main Rd., Southold.

Autumn Antiques, Fine Art, & Crafts Fair
Autumn Antiques, Fine Art, & Crafts Fair

Horario y ubicación

28 sept 2024, 9:00 – 29 sept 2024, 16:00

Maple Lane Complex, 55200 Main Rd, Southold, NY 11971, USA

Acerca del evento

The two day Autumn Antiques, Fine Art, and Crafts Fair is coming to the beautiful grounds of the Maple Lane Complex at 55200 Main Rd., Southold.

There will be vendors selling fine art, antiques, pottery, photography, handmade crafts, and vintage treasures. There will also be live music! Join us as we partner with Old Town Arts and Crafts Guild to present this two-day event. 

The admission of $5.00 for adults entitles entrants to a free raffle ticket!

Rain dates: Oct. 5 and 6.

Vendor inquiries should be directed to: Old Town Arts and Crafts Guild.

Compartir este evento



tel. 631-765-5500

Correo electrónico.

54325 Carretera principal

Apartado postal 1 
Southold, Nueva York 11971



Edificio Príncipe: 

Oficina del Museo: L - V 10am - 2pm

Tienda de regalos: L - V 10 am - 2 pm

Intercambio de tesoros:

 Jueves. - Vie. 10 am - 4 pm, sábado. 11 a. m. - 3 p. m.


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Southold Historical Museum's programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.





¡Gracias por enviar!

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